My Binary Romance - High End Web Development with true Dedication

About the Binary Romance

- We are a couple of -well, lets name it- pretty geeky guys from Germany. We offer highly individual and elaborate web development for e-commerce driven web applications. Or, to put it in other words, if you want to make money on the web and you're looking for the REAL geek stuff, you should best go with us ;)

Best way to get in touch is to type 'legal' and use the contact information provided and/or use the 'contact' option.

Magento Extension and Module Development

We have specialized in extension / module development for the open source e-commerce platform Magento. Magento just is the most rock-solid e-commerce solution on the web, plus it has completely accessible source code AND (best of all) its FREE (yay)! But still, whenever it comes down to serious business without compromising, you will find yourself looking for a highly individualized setup to fit your very business model, workflow or whatever other requirement.

Well, this is where we come in. We can the one very special solution for your very special requirement. You want to connect your web store to any kind of webservice? Cool! You need it connected to your local store's stock management? Lets do it! How about some REAL social media jazzup beyond boring 'I like'? You want to make any kind of incredibly-fresh-and-maybe-insane-but-whatever idea come true? We sure are with you!

Best way to get in touch is to type 'legal' and use the contact information provided and/or use the 'contact' option.

Drupal Extension and Module Development

We have specialized in extension / module development for the open source community and content management system Drupal. There's almost nothing on the web that cannot be done with Drupal. Coming with a maximum of flexibility and customizable to the bone Drupal is THE answer for any requirement from a basic blog-style webpage to a full-fledged community application. Drupals core feature is dynamic handling of content, so if your focus is the user you should definitely go Drupal. And if you go, we go with you!

Best way to get in touch is to type 'legal' and use the contact information provided and/or use the 'contact' option.

PHP Development

Alongside our focussed systems Magento and Drupal we are skilled developers with a slight preference for PHP related techniques and technologies. We know MySQL and related database types by heart, we are familiar with frameworks like Zend/Laminas, Symfony and others. Of course we do frontend development also, using plain javascript or libraries, we know our css3 and bootstrap and yaml and responsiveness and html5... and all our frontend stuff source code is state of the art. Anything you miss here? Just get in touch and ask :)

Best way to get in touch is to type 'legal' and use the contact information provided and/or use the 'contact' option.


  1. Why is your Webpage so damn geeky?
    That's simple, we just chose the design best representing us ;)
  2. What are you Guys doing? Remember, I'm a noob!
    Eeer... okay, we are like computer guys and we are working on the internet, you know, we program things for webshops so you can buy stuff online and we program things for communities so you can like be friends on facebook or whatever. We also do other stuff, but that's about it I guess.